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Other Services > Changes After Publication
Changes After Publication

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Price: $200.00

Once your book has gone to print or has been published as an ebook, making changes requires that it be taken out of print and reassigned to a designer. Changes are made, then the manuscript or cover is sent back to you for review and approval. Upon approval, the book goes through quality control again and is uploaded and its internet catalog listing refreshed so that the new version appears to online retailers.
This process is expensive and time consuming, and is necessary for each published edition of your book. If you have both hardcover and softcover in print as well as an ebook, it has to be done for all 3 versions. The distributor charges us for this, and those costs are passed on to you. (for this service, Kindle and ebook are considered a single edition.)

Changes to a published book cost $200 plus $100 per edition. For example:

Softcover only: $300

Softcover and hardcover: $350

Softcover and Kindle/ebook: $350

Softcover, hardcover, and Kindle/ebook $400

If you require a new printed first copy of the revised book, or if your changes require more than 2 hour additional edit/design time, additional charges will apply.

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