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Cataloging in Publication Data – $250

Cataloging data is a specialized language used by libraries to correctly and consistently catalog and shelve new books. (Look at the lower half of the copyright page of almost any book on your bookshelf and you'll find CIP data). Created by a professional librarian schooled in cataloging science, this adds to your book's professional look and feel.

Note that you can't make this block up yourself. The Library of Congress has created specific language and formatting requirements for this data.

 Library of Congress number & Copyright Registration – $200

Note: Your book will be legally copyrighted the moment it's published, without purchasing this service. As part of the setup fee, your copyright is secured under international law with the inclusion of your name and the © symbol on the copyright page.

But many authors go a step further and register their copyright with the Library of Congress. LOC registration has been viewed by the courts as prima facie evidence of ownership of intellectual property in the past. You might think of it as a form of insurance in case you ever have to defend your ownership of the material in court.

B&W interior images – $40 each   

We'll place and size them to fit the page and add your caption.

Tables and Charts – $40 each

We'll place and size them to fit the page and add your caption.

Index Formatting – $125

We'll create and format the index of your book based on the index tags you flagged in your Microsoft Word document. If you need an index and are not familiar with this function in Word, talk to your WingSpan Press service representative about your options.

Footnotes – Cost: $200 + $.70/footnote

We'll format and position your book's footnote references. Note that all footnotes must be flagged using Word's footnote function.

Endnotes – Cost: $100

End notes appear all together at the end of the book. These are normally flagged using Word's endnote feature, but because they appear all together at the end of the book, they may just be typed text and do not require as much formatting as footnotes.


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